Health & Healing Initiatives
Transform Yourself!


In practice for over twenty years, I have created my own modality which I term Kinesthetic Neurofascial Release Therapy.

Using various factors, I determine where you are at on the day of your treatment then apply the best combination of the modalities offered to facilitate the most positive change.  In a nutshell, you are different each time you come into my practice and I therefore treat you as such.  For some, every day is a challenge with daily chronic pain while others experience cyclical discomfort or seasonal issues.

However your personal challenges present, I feel confident you will enjoy a level of relief from pain and discomfort that you have not known for some time.  Please note that my tagline is Transform Yourself! Therefore, I expect you to fully participate in your well being. Offering "homework" suggestions for hydration, nutrition, stretching etc. that will take your health to the next level!  Why wait...Call Today!